Surprisingly Beautiful Natural Furniture with Contemporary Design Concept!

Surprisingly Beautiful Natural Furniture with Contemporary Design Concept!

Furniture made from natural material nowadays being popular and the development of product is diverse also. No doubt, for the first time natural furniture was segmented market, as usual natural furniture more suitable for tropical or beach area. Natural furniture for indoor demand recently increase with environment issue shown up and also back to nature movement. It caused the natural furniture manufacture starts looking for new design ideas to expand market for all segment.

Contemporary design, is one of design concept that currently being so popular. Well contemporary by definition means “existing, occurring, or living at the same time, contemporary design refers to what is popular or used right now. For contemporary, the design is refer to ‘Less is More’ so the shape is more simple, clean, and strong horizontal-vertical axis oriented.

Combined natural furniture with contemporary design it does not matter now, one of natural material for made furniture is water hyacinth. In Indonesia this material is could be found in almost all java island area. It basically wasted but surprisingly could be beautiful furniture material by the expert artisan. And combining this material  with contemporary design is not hard to do, this material suitable for any design concept and give natural value added to furniture. Natural furniture made from water hyacinth could be indoor furniture such as Arm chairDrawersLiving Set, Dinning Set, even Bedroom set. From wasted into best furnishing in your home with contemporary design concept, Why not?